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Capsule -

City VR

Travel through time and explore the city


Leonardo Mussatto - VR & Sound Designer
Jiajia Yu (Yoki) - Digital Artist
Joseph Vaz - Graphic Designer



Understanding how a space changes through time is always a challenge. Texts, maps, infographics and videos can surely help to get a sense of what a space could have been. But spaces are "felt" and our understanding is deeply influenced by all senses.

In an attempt to explore a more comprehensive way to experience how a space changes through history, Capsule - City VR digitally recreates Piccadilly Circus in three moments in time and invites the user to explore them. In this simple version, 3d models are used for the imaginary past and future, and they're combined with photography to recreate the present. Spatial sound is used to invite the user to explore the space. In a complete version, specific periods should be reproduced and the space should be populated by human activity.

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