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Fractals, Communication, and Systems


Leonardo Mussatto - Technical Lead & Sound Designer
Adél Szegedi - Visual Artist
Wan Ting Ma - Digital Artist



Inspired by fractals and mushrooms' complex networks, Systems Discourse reflects on how even seemingly very different systems are based on similar elements and influence each other. Systems are rarely - if ever - isolated. Communication is a central element of all systems - both natural, man-made and digital - and is often non-verbal. Human society is not an exception.

Systems Discourse brings together four distinct and autonomous systems. The visuals are generated by a Processing sketch inspired by fractals and mycelia. A digital modular synthesiser based on Fibonacci's sequence, the cantor set and a fractal structure create the spatialized soundscape. At the centre of the room, a living mushroom and last but not least visitors. The sound and visual systems influence each other, and data from the mushrooms and the audience introduce further variations. Their copresence and the influence each of them has on the others shape the space and the visitors' experience.

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