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The Vanishing Cloud Forest


Chloe Pui Hei Chan - Lead Visual Designer & Concept Researcher

Hang Kin Titian Sze - Digital Artist & 3D Designer

Jiajia Yu (Yoki) - Prop & Visual Designer

Joseph Vaz - Producer & Graphic Designer

Leonardo Mussatto - Technical Lead & Sound Designer



Saint Helena, a small island in the South Atlantic Ocean, and its inhabitants are currently facing a concerning environmental issue. Only 2.7% of its original forest remains and the island is slowly but constantly drying up in the face of pressures from invasive species imported during its colonisation and climate change. But as human intervention put the island at risk, it holds the potential to save it. Restoring its unique ecosystem and water cycle would indeed supply the island's future water needs. Leading these efforts is the Saint Helena Research Institute whose members are unwaveringly nurturing and replanting endemic species to restore the natural balance.


REVIVAL - The Vanishing Cloud Forest is an immersive and educational exhibition aiming to raise awareness of the negative and positive impacts of human intervention on natural biomes and promote a healthy and sustainable relationship with our natural environments. As a striking example, the exhibition showcases the extensive research of the Saint Helena Research Institute and promotes both scientific and empathic understanding of the importance of their restoration work and their positive action to preserve and restore biodiversity.

Entering the exhibition, visitors are first welcomed by an interactive 3d map creating an engaging opportunity to uncover the multiple layers of this complex issue and get an insight into the large amount of data collected through the years. Text and images on the walls further introduce visitors to the scientific and historical background necessary to critically engage with the ecological issue.

Stepping into the second room, visitors find themselves walking on the final section of a trail winding through the peaks of the Cloud Forest. An audio guide leads visitors through the digitally recreated forest, bringing to their attention key features of the endemic species surrounding them.

Ultimately, the case of Saint Helena highlights the interconnectedness of our planet and the importance of recognising our collective responsibility to safeguard its future by taking proactive measures both locally and globally.

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